Day 1:
I did not really know what to expect from this class when I had signed up for it. All I knew was that is was a requirement for an FCI major and it was a writing class. I can say that one thing that made this class so unique in comparison to all my other class is that Dr. Kyburz has a blog for everything you need in the class. I thought it was a very creative idea and definitely made the class more interesting than just having all the content and assignments on boring blackboard. Blogger was easy to navigate through out and was composed of helpful links, assignments, content, syllabus, class schedule and much more! Not only was Dr.Kyburz using a blog but we all were too! We were able to make our own blogs, posting weekly about things in the news or even what was going on over the weekend. It was a great way to interact with classmates and see their interests as well.Along the way..:
As the class went by, week by week, we were engaged in so many classroom discussions. We were able to share our views and opinions on current topics. Our book, Just the Facts by Michael Biggs, was a very easy read and made understanding police writing much easier. Just as the title implied, Just the Facts, that is exactly what it is- Facts. The main, detailed report writing facts. We had quizzes along the way that were some what common sense as it came to good and bad report writing with what to do and what not to do. Another favorite part of my class was our Documentary paper. I did my paper on the documentary Cartel Land. This was not the easiest paper I have written and that is because most papers that I have wrote in my life had to do with analysis and this paper was purely FACTS- what was happening in the documentary and not what I was assuming from it. It was a great assignment to fully grasp this understanding of report writing because you want your police reports to be unbiased and straight factual. Little to know opinion or analysis should be in report writing and that was the same for the paper.Documentary Paper (not revised just added if anyone would like to read)
End of the semester:

I want to give a big thank you Dr.Kyburz for a great semester! Hope to keep in touch!